
Term targeting tool in SEO

With the Term Targeting tool of SEOmoz, one can determine how well a particular keyword is targeted by a page. This software can assign a letter and percentage grade, which can reflect the keyword strength usage. This can be done after the analysis throughout the page, the frequency and location of the keyword. This tool […]

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Cheap and Best Shared Web hosting

As more and more people join the brigade of online presence, need for quality, reliable and cheap web hosting companies has increased. So, if you are looking for the best and cheapest web hosting space for your website, then just checkout these reliable shared web hosting companies providing web hosting plans to host unlimited domains

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WinDVD which has been offered by the Corel Corporation is a video player for commercial use and also software for music player for Microsoft Windows. WinDVD has enabled DVD-Video movies to be viewed on the personal computer of the user. This DVD-Video software can also be used for playing videos and audio/music files in different

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Social Networking in Orkut!

Orkut, which is a social networking service, has taken the world or rather the Internet users in its feet. Google runs this networking site. It got its name from Orkut Büyükkökten, who is an employee of Google. It has been formed to make new friends and maintaining the existing ones and is the most visited

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