With the more worldwide use of internet, the internet browsers are also increasing rapidly. Anyone can install the browser software and can use them according to their convenience. The features of these browsers are different from each other. Talking about Maxthon browser, which has been developed by by MyIE2, is a flexible browser that you can adapt to fit your Web browsing requirements. Customization options include the security settings; the interface layout and you can download useful plugins like a personal information management tool, decorative skins and the Google Toolbar. Maxthon is easy enough to install. With Maxthon , you can increase your surfing speed. The convenient drag and drop characteristic allows you to drag a web address from an email, Word document or just about anywhere to the address window and Maxthon will take you to that desired site. Another most interesting and important feature of Maxthon is that through its tabbed browsing, you can swiftly hop from site to site and open a number of sites in one browsing window. When you’re done searching the web, you can purely save the group of sites and can take up again whenever needed. Coming to the security aspect, Maxthon browser blocks popup ads and normal advertisements if you choose. Furthermore, you can clear the entire browser in one step making it easy to keep your personal information of your own.