Term targeting tool in SEO

With the Term Targeting tool of SEOmoz, one can determine how well a particular keyword is targeted by a page. This software can assign a letter and percentage grade, which can reflect the keyword strength usage. This can be done after the analysis throughout the page, the frequency and location of the keyword. This tool or software uses in-house created formula at SEOmoz. Many clients have been successful using this methodology, engine optimization search practice and the usage of keyword is different and the results can vary. For an estimation of inclusion of keyword is the best use of this tool and not for a strict rules set for how other website or webpage should be using keywords. Examining a web page and also determining which keyword appears prominently in different applied weights in the HTML is the purpose of this tool.

An h1 tag will be given more weight in keyword than a keyword in the main body copy. SEOmoz created this tool for their premium members and it may be later opened to all users. Analyzing the content of any given page and also extracting the phrases and terms, which appear in the search engine in target. This tool has a good premise and analysis can be done all the time. This tool has benefited most of the companies in their projects with different clients. Use this software for knowing the strength of the keyword usage. However, the weightings that this tool use are that which Rand Fishkin and his crew came up with reports making valuable particularly to the beginners of SEOs.

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